Tag Archives: bitch

The “Real” Date

Oh as i was stretching my blogging legs and wondering what to write about i was reading Aneroidocean’s latest post Frailty. He mentioned at the end of the post how one of the girls he’s seeing a validation of commitment. This reminded me of a quick exchange i had in the not so distant past circa 2011.

After finishing a nice romp in the sack with a girl i was seeing at the time, i was just about to fall asleep until i hear.

Girl: So when are you going to take me on a real date.

Me: What are you talking about?

G: You know, go out in public, watch a movie go for diner.

M: I work out of town, when i come back i don’t like the hassle of more restaurants and hitting the town.

G: But you go to the pub with the guys.

M: That’s right

G: All we do is have sex.

M: What are you talking about, we went out and had a date our first time together.

G: That wasn’t a date, i paid for all your drinks.

M: So.

G: I just want to go out on a real date where you treat me.

M: …….

G: Fine, no sex until i get a real day.

M: Fine.

I turnaround and passed out. 6 am the next morning i was gone and i’ve never spoken to her again. I can tolerate a lot of shit, but that’s one thing i definitely do not tolerate, the “no sex” threat. My mom always told me “Lost, as soon as a women threatens you with no sex, kick her to the curb.” Now thats the soundest piece of advice i’ve ever received from a woman.

It just goes to show, that sooner or later they all look to put that commitment stamp on it, whatever means necessary.

The End of Civilization

Alright, since i’m lazy towards this blog and it takes me such a while to post any current events that they are now old news, i’m finally jumping on this Anti-Tawkify bandwaggon.

I’m not even going to give the site satisfaction by linking to it.

So you should all know the premise of this site by now. Old over the hill with nothing to offer in a relationship who rode the cock carousel serial monogamy and now are all used up and want to settle down with an Alpha they don’t deserve entitled princesses who are all special little snow flakes Women join free with the promise of have a silver platter of potential betas suitors ripe for the picking. The men go on the website, answer a few question including income and send in a picture of themselves to this matchmaker behind the scenes, the men pay for this privileged. The women in turn select their best suitor by laughing at seriously examining every aspect of said potential suitors. The chosen suitor then receives a phone call the following Monday and has a strict 7 minutes to impress the princess woman who has chosen him. Here’s the kicker, the men aren’t allowed to know anything about the woman who chose them nor how she looks like…… guaranteed the girl on the other line is a land whale.

Imagine if the reverse were true. We all know it would never take off and today’s women love to have their cake and eat it too. (Which is what has made them all land whales to start off with.

Land Whale wants more cake!

I don’t know about you but shit like this really grinds my gears. To quote Rodney Dangerfield: “I get no respect.” And this is exactly what this does to the beta chumps men who apply, it automatically assumes they are all criminals and it gives none of them an ounce of respect.

Part of it is our own fault, if we’d all stop drooling like a 2nd grader who’s seen his first set of boobs after finding his dad’s Playboy stache whenever we have a slight glimmer of hope that we’re going to get laid, if we were all suave as fuck, cool as a motherfucking cucumber, this shit would probably not happen. But instead there are probably tens of thousands of us that would gladly dish out however much Tawkify charges to have the honour the be trampled on and degraded.

“So Lost, tell me how you really feel.”

This is NOT who's on the other end when receiving a Tawkify phone call

if you want to learn more, there is nothing i can say here that hasn’t already been said elsewhere, so here are the links:

Here’s what you do — add a link to this post on your blog that looks like this:


Hell, you can just copy and paste that onto your blog. Even better, write your own post discombobulating Tawkify. The more articles explaining why Tawkify is a reeking sewer, the better. When your post is up, let me know and I’ll add a link to it here. It is time for the manosphere to unite for a good cause, the cause of making the comfortable uncomfortable. The cause of Fucking Their Shit Up. To victory!

When Crazy Goes Overboard

Some people have a hard time grasping the concept of going no contact, and how it work on girls that have some interest on you.

Well here’s an extreme example, you can read the entire conversation HERE, or listen to goofballs narrate it by clicking HERE

Now let this be a lesson to all of you.

Sound bite link: http://m.soundcloud.com/vaughan-1-1/this-is-what-crazy-looks-like

Picture link: http://www.buzzfeed.com/hgrant/this-is-what-crazy-looks-like-via-text-messaging


Lost Saga (Part II)

Part I

I was not the alpha her pussy tingled for, I also wasn’t the alpha she fell for a couple of years prior. Though I remained incredibly self confident in my everyday life, in the relationship I was the epitome of beta. Pleading her to (insert random act here), I catered to her every whim, I listened to her, I took her bitch fests, her extreme jealousy and her craziness. All in the name of pussy… and my lack of options. So that’s it, we were done. Got her to give me road head at some point afterwards but that’s it. And so closes another chapter in my journey to enlightenment.

So after the initial shock, I picked myself off the floor, confidence intact and a brand new attitude, bitches won’t walk all over me again. And they didn’t, I was playing it by ear, failing and succeeding, learning from what I did, say, my successes and my numerous failures. Taking grenades and flirting with every piece of pussy I laid my eyes on. Luckily for me, I had one of the best wingman a guy could ask for. Let’s call him Diesel. Diesel had an incredible ability to open any girl in any situation and instantly build attraction, the girls eyes would light up; smiles and kino would all come naturally. Though Diesel had one major flaw, he had a hard time building enough rapport and coming in with the close.

That’s where I came in, my weakness were his strengths, my strengths his weaknesses. We were, or rather what we thought we were at the time, unstoppable. A one-two punch to any group of girls and we were, on most nights, killing it. During this period I got a few notches, a ton of experience and my first threesome. Don’t get me wrong, we were still running blind and fucking up way more often than not and if my mood wasn’t just right i was still pretty timid, but it was all fun.

I gained a bit of notoriety in my group of friends, not that I was fucking a ton of women; it is who I fucked that got me the attention. Getting my first threesome with a super straight edge classmate/friend’s sister, to tapping my school’s secretary, to taking the worst grenade on my life. All in the name of science.

Is any of this exceptional? No.  But at that time it was, or so everyone thought, none of us were Red Pill exposed.

To be continued…

Lost Saga (Part I)

I’m going to tell a story, not just any story, but my story on how I got my Red Pill dose.

It all started back in University, year, 2006 (college for our friends south of the border) I was moderately depressed, I really didn’t know what I wanted to accomplish in life, I lacked self confidence and always thought if I could just get a girlfriend, things would somehow get better. I was an average nice guy, beta to the tits despite having a hard Alpha as a father. One day it all changed, I got sick and tired of being sick and tired, I hated my life and where is was heading, so I just woke up one day slapped myself across the face and told myself “Shit is gonna change” and like that I started having a positive attitude, my self-confidence grew, I didn’t care that I was single and I didn’t care what other people thought of me. I literally just had an epiphany.

Fast forward to the summer, I started dressing with style, and self confidence was oozing out of me, I wasn’t looking for love….. but it found me. I met this really cute girl and as luck would have it, she was really into me. We had fun; we enjoyed life, my first real girlfriend. It didn’t take long that I beta backslided, failing shit test after shit test, I should of seen it coming, but I didn’t, I was in love. In the next couple of years the shit testing became worst and worst and she literally became bat shit crazy.

You know the type of girl who seems happy one minute going to a social event, and arriving there, turns into a snidy little bitch, constantly giving you the stink eye for what she perceived as me being flirtatious with everyone…. Including guys for fuck sakes, I mean nothing against you gays, but I don’t love the cock. This only led to fights and ruined nights. Though that pussy was tight and I loved to pound it. My love for her was degrading, and degrading fast, but my lack of options and my total betatude was trying to make things work with her and keep things going. Until the fateful day when I learned that……….. the bitch had cheated on me. I was furious as anyone could imagine, hurling insults after insults belittling her to the point of impermanently damaging her self confidence. I see now it wasn’t her fault, she was following instinct, she was craving an alpha.

To be continued…

And another one goes…

So i’m sitting here on the brink of going to bed and it’s been another night of listening to the herb next door pleading and catering to what i can only assume is his new girlfriend. From the sounds of it she’s an over entitled “goddess” that only deserves the best of it all, (In your dreams toots) yet this guy seems to be willing to give it to her.

Topics discussed:

  • How he wants to share his life with her.
  • Pleading her to give him a “chance”
  • He isn’t the man he used to be
  • She changed his world
  • And a whole bunch of other vomit inducing beta graveling
Now if you’ve been around the manosphere long enough… or even for 30 seconds, you know that this type of behavior is unacceptable and will only result in drying up her clam faster than you can say “foreplay”.
I’m usually not the type to actively help strangers with these types of issues (coming from a guy who has a fucking blog to help strangers on these types of issues… i know, it’s anonymous sort of so leave me the fuck alone ha!) in all seriousness now, i just have to do something. Not because i feel bad, but because its annoying the living shit out of me, i can’t stand the pissing and moaning of an emasculated man and i just want him to stop spending hours on the phone every night acting like a little bitch!
I may not be the best at all this, but i’m definitely head and shoulders above this guy.
I got to figure out how i’ll approach this…. stay tuned.